5 Year Plan- Notes

 Where am I now? 

  • Currently in first semester of the last year at University. 
  • Work part-time at Trentham Gardens.
  • Post regularly on my illustration instagram and facebook account. 
  • Ambassador for the Trust Bruce Foundation 

First Year 

  • Complete university with BA (Hons) Illustration. 
  • Continue to work at Trentham Gardens to save up money to move out. 
  • Get experience in primary and high schools. 
  • Start up my Etsy business again: selling cards, prints, stickers. etc - include shop on my website so etsy don't take fees. 
  • Creative writing courses? 
  • Improve my knowledge with Adobe. Buy new equipment and tech. 
  • Give talks in high schools and primary schools about Trust Bruce. Establish Trust Bruce as a charity.
  • Look for houses/apartments/property to move into with enough space for a studio

Second Year 

  • Move out at the start of the year (or end of last year) 
  • Grow Instagram followers to 3k 
  • Start in September PGCE training to be a high school or primary school teacher 
  • In spare time keep improving my etsy businesses. Growing my customer base on my website. 
  • Establish the Trust Bruce Foundation as a charity 

Third Year 

  • Increase instagram to 5-10k 
  • Direct followers to my website shop instead of Etsy. 
  • Use my shop and part time job as a sustainable income to support me through my PGCE 
  • Complete the teacher training. Apply to different schools
  • Give talks in schools regarding the Trust Bruce Foundation- to raise more awareness and allows me to be confident talking in fromt of large numbers of people

Fourth Year 

  • Quit part time job
  • Establish myself as a teacher while having my freelance job on the side. 
  • Expand my client base by sending out my portfolio to publishers and potential clients
  • Maintain my social media platforms. 
  • Expand the reach of the Trust Bruce Foundation- known throughout Staffordshire.

Fifth Year 

  • Both careers are successful; 
  • My instagram has at least 15k and my online shop is thriving. 
  • A well-respected and established teacher 
  • Have a sustainable client base 
  • Trust Bruce is a well known charitable organisation


Okay so, where am i now? 

I’m currently in the last year of Illustration at university. 

I’m working part time at the Trentham Estate as a Visitor Experience host 

I help run a charitable organisation known as the Trust Bruce Foundation. Where I help create and curate each post that goes out on social media. The charity is centred around funding children for them to be able to do extra curricular activities. This is a huge aspect of my career that I’d like to continue volunteering for. 

I post frequent illustrations I have done on my social media platforms. I like to stay as regular as possible there to make my account look friendly and personable. However, after finishing uni, this is something I will drastically improve.

First Year 

 For my first year I still want to continue to work at Trentham Estate while figure out my footings. This will also help me with savings for a house with a studio. 

I will regularly post on my instagram account to increase the number of followers to 1k. I am halfway there and I’m sure as soon as I have time to, I will spend it creating artworks, building up my portfolio and networking with others in the business. 

I will also start up my etsy shop again and add one on to my own webiste.  This is something that I was drawn to in the second year. I loved that I was able to set a business for myself. However, before I start uploading artworks, cards and prints; I will have to sort out the pricing, as this is something I found difficult previously but now I have worked out my overhead costs and set myself up with an hourly rate. This won’t be too difficult, I will just need to factor in the cost of each material used. 

As well as this, I would like to start getting work experience in Primary and Secondary Schools. This is because from a young age I’ve always wanted to help others and become a teacher. 

However, my main passion is for illustration so as well as work experience, I’d like to learn more skills in the Adobe programmes and purchase new technology, such as a new laptop and ipad. I want to become skilled in Adobe so that employers will always see that I have skills and I will be more desirable to them. 

I would also like to post regularly on Trust Bruce and plan events. This is because covid has been a factor as to why this charity hasn’t taken off fully and I’d like to get it’s name back out there. 

Year 2 

My main goal for year two is to move house. This is because I will have more space for my illustration work to go and I’ll have enough room for a studio. 

I want to expand my small business by adding more prints and cards to the shop. And I will also increase my instagram followers to 3k. I believe that if my instagram followers are higher, I will look more respectable and established to people who are looking into buying some of my work or wanting a commission.

As well as this, I will enter illustration and design competitions throughout my career, this will be to get my name out there and practice how it’s like to have a deadline to work to.

As I previously mentioned, I have always wanted to be a teacher, so in year 2 I would like to take on a PGCE with a QTS in September. This is because it’s something that I have always aimed for as a career option. 

As well as this I’d like to work with the other members of Trust Bruce to expand and establish it as a charity and increase it’s followers on different platforms. This is because I want Trust Bruce to be well-known in the community and be able to have continuous donations given to us to help children in need. 

Year 3 

I’d like to increase my instagram followers to 5-10k. This is because as the numbers get higher, they start to snowball and increase faster and I think this is a target I could reach. I  will increase my followers by regularly posting and interacting with my audience.

Because I will have a large following now, I would like to direct my followers to my online shop instead of my etsy. This is because etsy takes fees and I can’t get all of the profit. Especially if I’ve got a lot of products on the website. 

As well as this I would like to reduce my hours at my part-time job. This is because I would like more spare time to be spent on my small business. With the followers and support I have now, my shop will be a sustainable source of income already.

I'd like to have completed the PGCE by year 3 and start applying to different schools to work in. This is truly something that I would love to do alongside my illustration career. 

I’d also like to be able to give talks in schools and colleges about Trust Bruce to raise more awareness too. This will also help me with my confidence. 

Year 4 

By year 4 I will have enough income to quit my part time jobs to be able to focus on just becoming a teacher and an illustrator. 

I will establish myself as a teacher and become well respected in the role by the childrens and colleagues. 

I will also like to expand my client base this year and send out my portfolio to publishers and potential clients. This is because I never want to lose illustration as a job and I want it to be a steady career throughout my life. 

I will also aim to expand the reach of Trust Bruce further to be well known in all of staffordshire 

Year 5 

At this point I would love to be successful in both of my careers. 

My instagram will be at least 15k and my online shop will have constant customers. As well as this I would like a sustainable client base  and to continue to contact publishers. This is because I have always wanted to create a book and this is a goal I’d like to hit after my 5 years. Because I wouldn't be able to do all of this at the same time. 


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